在暴雪的愚人节过后,玩家对“制造”出的新角色诗人产生了巨大的兴趣,还记得以前的暗黑1:地狱火中的隐藏角色吗?我们通常也称她为吟游诗人,虽然后来看更象是刺客的原型。虽然这次的角色是虚构的,但玩家提出了新的问题:公布的角色和以前太象了,剩下的两个会不会也让我们失望?论坛新出现的强人 kisstherain 为我们带来了官方原贴:
有玩家发帖说暴雪浪费时间做了一个吟游学者做愚人节笑话,而不是真真正正做一个与原来不同的角色这本身就是一个笑话,说现在的三个人物:野蛮人,法师 ,巫医(有点象死灵法师和德鲁伊的混合) 都看着眼熟,这样不好。要是剩下两个角色一个是亚马逊一个是圣骑那暗黑三就是个失败。
Bashiok 说:总之你就在抱怨, 现在知道的三个职业不够独特。
Anyway, there are a few archetypes of classic fantasy characters. Expecting us to do something completely outside of those archetypes for the sake of trying to be original is unnecessary, and would probably lead to something that's just ridiculous and not fun, or difficult to design - let alone balance. I'm more than happy with you expressing your opinion, and as I summed it up yes essentially your opinion was that you wanted more originality. That's fine, but I was just saying the way in which it was presented was practically inedible. 毕竟存在一些大家认同的典型角色,期待我们为了原创性而完全抛弃这些已有的典型角色是没必要的。那样也许会弄的荒诞或者没意思,要么就太难设计,更别提平衡性。 你表达你的意见我十分高兴,你主要是希望我们能在职业设计上更有原创性,这很好,只是你说的方法(做全新的职业)不现实。
Well, I'm not sure I can discuss much more without showing our hand. But! I think we'll have at least one class in the game that will appeal to everyone. And that's sort of the goal with the core game, hit those main archetypes that everyone can identify with. "Hey, a Wizard... I'm pretty sure I know what that's all about without even seeing it." Any potential expansions are probably where you'd try out something not of a core archetype like, say, an assassin or druid. ;P The witch doctor is a bit riskier, and I think sometimes written off as just a twist on the necromancer, but no one has really seen most of his abilities and the flavor he brings. He still has a lot left for people to discover.
我再谈下去就要泄露秘密了。好吧,我觉得我们至少有一个职业会吸引所有的人,游戏用了每个人都能认出的典型角色,("嘿,法师...我不用看就知道他都能干什么")。将来的资料片可能你们会看到不是主要的典型人物的角色,比如刺客和德鲁伊 :P 巫医(这个角色的设计)有点冒险,他有点象死灵法师,但是没人看到他大部分能力以及他能带来的好处,他依然有很多值得人们发掘(废话你不公布技能树怎么发掘啊)。