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  玩家要在墓穴中杀出一条血路,同时尽可能地从墓穴里大量的超级宝箱中获得物品。本任务是有时间限制的任务玩家进入嚎叫高原上的一个传送门之后就会开始这个任务,任务开始后屏幕上会显示四分钟的倒计时,玩家的角色在进入这个墓穴中后会开始大叫“这个地方要塌了,我得想办法离开这儿!” 联机的情况下,只要有一个玩家进入墓穴,倒计时就会开始,所以后进来的玩家就比较悲剧了。。。。。为了让玩家感受到危险的迫近,墓穴会不断晃动,天花板上会有大块的岩石掉落给玩家和怪物造成伤害。在墓穴崩塌过程中死亡的玩家会出现在进入墓穴的入口附近,墓穴崩塌之后玩家无法再次进入,但是玩家死亡前所获得的物品会得到保留。成功逃离墓穴的玩家会获得7995点经验作为奖励


  The Collapsing Tomb is a Diablo 3 quest first played in the BlizzCon 2009 demo build. The quest puts players in a treasure room style dungeon that will collapse in 4 minutes, killing any players who remain inside it after that time. Players must find the exit before then or die, while fighting off monsters and retrieving as much loot as possible from the numerous super chests that stock the dungeon.Players began this quest by entering a portal on the desert surface level, The Howling Plateau. Once through the portal players appeared in a desert tomb style dungeon. A timer reading 4:00 was visible on the screen, and it began counting down at once. Each character who entered the tomb cried out a warning as soon as he/she arrived, "This place is falling apart. I've got to get out of here!"The Timed QuestThe timer started as soon as any player entered. If other players came in a moment later, they did not get a fresh 4:00; just whatever was left of the initial 4 minutes. It would obviously be a wise idea to synchronize the entrances of multiple players, so everyone would start at once. To reinforce the imminent danger of collapse, the dungeon shakes constantly, with large rocks falling from the ceiling (they knocked back and damaged players or monsters they landed on) and the screen shaking with their impacts.Players who died in the dungeon collapse reappeared at the last checkpoint, on the desert surface near the dungeon entrance. It was not possible to re-enter the dungeon after the collapse, but players did keep all of the loot they'd found while in it.SuccessPlayers who found the exit portal in time reappeared on the surface near the portal they'd entered through. In addition to all of the loot they'd picked up, they received 7995 experience as a bonus. This was a considerable amount at level 14~; individual monsters inside the tomb and on the desert surface were worth 50-100 each, at that level. Once back on the surface in the Blizzcon build, the countdown clock remained visible, finally vanishing when it got to 0, when a "The tomb collapses." message appeared. Though no multiplayer reports have been seen, it's assumed that the timer continues so players who get out can remain notified about the progress of others in their party。

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